Showing 33 Result(s)

Yes, I Text.

Yes, I text. My friends. My family. I text privately when talking is inappropriate. I text when I don’t feel like having a long conversation. I once dated this guy who preferred to communicate a lot by text.  The relationship didn’t last very long because, in part, the communication remained really shallow. How much can you really say in …

A Poetic Way To Interpret Failed First Dates

“…one-time intersections of two people looking for something other than what they found.” — from the wonderful short story “The 5:22” by George Harrar

The Technology of Dating

So I’ve come to the realization that even though I’ve been out of the dating game for 10+ years, the comical highs and lows of dating have remained the same. There’s just more technology involved. Nowadays, two adults who may be “interested” have countless forms of communication available to get to know each other – …

Journalism is a tough job

New York Times financial reporter Diana Henriques, talking to journalism students at Penn State: “If you don’t want to do this more than you want to do anything else, then don’t, because it’s too hard otherwise.”

Not So Gentle Dental

I get to the dentist’s today at 10:30 a.m. I need two fillings. They show me in. The dentist shoots my mouth up with novocaine and leaves me for a few minutes so it will kick in. Suddenly, there is a sharp buzzing noise and most of the lights in the office go out. Machines …


“You do not have to make money. You do have to make a difference. You do not have to be successful. You do have to be valuable. You do not have to seek private gain, but it is hoped that you will serve the common good. It may be harder, more painful to serve the …